Sunday, 4 March 2012

Welcome to my blog

An example of what you are NOT going
 to see in these blog. 
Hi everybody! I'm Iris and I'm who is going to write this blog.  First, I'm goint to explain you the name of the blog. It's easy, this blog is about MUSIC. But not the comercial music that teenagers listen,  or "40 principales" music, but good music. 
 I'm going to write here some news and information about bands of music, next concerts in Albacete and music of series or films. Normally this bands are going to be Indie bands, but really, this is not only and Indie blog. I will try to write about different styles and kinds of music. If you want something, I accept suggestions.

See you soon, Iris.

PD - If you want more information about music in spanish, you can visited my other blog


  1. Iris? PITBULL?? DAFUQ?? Ok, i've read the "pie de foto", and I was like O.O
    I like your post, Arctic Monkeys, they're the best.
    Continue like this, it'll be a very good blog.

  2. Is it Pitbull? I can't believe it!!! What has happened with you?XDDDDDD

    visit mine:
